Alsop High School
Alsop High School joined Omega Multi-Academy Trust in November 2020.
With over 1800 students, including a sixth form it is the largest secondary school in Liverpool.
Alsop High School was built in 1926 and has had extensive investment to allow for a new 5,500m², three-story building comprising of varied teaching and activity areas including new dining facilities, dance and performance studios and communal social areas.
The school is on a journey to excellence and their school motto of ‘Achieving Excellence Together’ embraces their vision.
Bradshaw Primary School
Bradshaw Primary School is a one-form entry school, with a capacity of 210, located in Grapenhall Village in Warrington. The school joined Omega Multi-Academy Trust in April 2024.
In their latest Ofsted Inspection the school achieved a “good” judgement.
The school’s mission statement is “We are proud of who we are and proud of what we achieve"
Burtonwood Community Primary School
Burtonwood Community Primary School is a one-form entry school, with 210 children and is located in Burtonwood Village, in the Borough of Warrington. It is a founding school in our Trust.
Burtonwood Community Primary School has an excellent reputation in the local area. It was judged as ‘Good" in May 2023.
The school benefits from a rural location and has extensive grounds with play areas, parts of which have been set aside and planted with trees as natural woodland areas and has developed a large area into an exciting outdoor classroom. The school’s mission statement is “One team, one goal - excellence”. Their vision is “Our learning culture constantly drives for excellence and we will respect and support each other in a warm and welcoming community”.
Chapelford Village Primary School
Chapelford Village Primary School is a three-form entry school, located in Warrington with a capacity of 630 children. They are a founding member of Omega Multi-Academy Trust. In their most recent Ofsted Inspection the school retained a “good” judgement in all areas.
Chapelford Village Primary school is a modern building, built in 2013 and has over 20 state of the art classrooms, a wide range of outdoor spaces, a forest school and facilities for venue hire.
Their mission is “To Learn, To Achieve, To Respect”. Their aim is to become an outstanding school, recognised for inspiring and challenging individuals to achieve their dreams.
Great Sankey High School
Great Sankey High School is one of the largest high schools with a capacity of 2175 students, including their own sixth-form Barrow Hall College. The school converted to a single academy in 2013 before being a founding member of Omega Multi-Academy Trust, when it formed in 2018. In their last Ofsted Inspection, they were judged as ‘Good’ (March 2023).
Great Sankey High School is in a charming location in Warrington, with many new build sites close to the area. The school has benefited from investment in recent years and now has a new purpose-built science block, a new sports hall and access to a wide range of sport pitches including a rugby field and 3G pitch.
Barrow Hall College has a dedicated building which houses a café, drama theatre, art studio and Learning Resource Centre.
Their core values, devised by their students, empower them to harness their own creativity, to raise their aspirations and to achieve their potential. Working together, they gain confidence and pride to take their place in our community.
Park Road Community Primary School
Park Road Community Primary School is a one-form entry school, with 210 children. They are a founding school of our Trust.
In their latest Ofsted Inspection they retained their “good” judgement.
Park Road Community Primary School is a traditional school located in a lovely modern residential area in West Warrington. The school is proud to have such a community and family-based atmosphere. They have lots of outdoor space, which houses home-bred chickens, guinea pigs, tortoise and gerbils and a forest school which includes a home-grown allotment.
Their mission statement is “We are all unique individuals learning together”. Their aim is “Together, we aim to continually improve the learning experiences of our children, their enjoyment of these, and the standards and achievements they make as a result”
Westbrook Old Hall Primary School
Westbrook Old Hall Primary School is a two-form entry school, with a capacity of 420 located in Warrington. The school is a founding member of our Trust.
In their latest Ofsted Inspection the school retained their “good” judgement.
Westbrook Old Hall Primary School houses extensive areas for multi-use play, sports, creative and community rooms. Their Early Years classrooms are set up for all-weather use.
The school’s mission statement is “We believe that the best preparation for tomorrows future is striving to do our best today”. Their aims are to ensure that all children are tolerant and responsible, happy and confident, safe and healthy, skilled and willing, eco aware and are expected always to do their best.